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Monthly Status Reports (MSR)
For January 2023
Fleet Members:
44442 FCAPT David Singleton 08/31/2023
53869 FCAPT Mary Francen 08/27/2023
62955 CMDR Stephen Richard 08/20/2023
84971 CMDR Keith Richard 08/23/2023
84982 LTJG Jonathan Nelson 08/31/2023
84987 ENS Shyann Converse 08/31/2023
85012 CRMN Shanta Ramlakhan 09/05/2023
85177 CRMN Michael Barber 10/24/2023
85178 CRMN Kara Barber 10/24/2023
85179 CDT George Barber 10/24/2023
85294 MCPTAndy Clifton 11/14/2023
Mary Francen
IOLS - College of Chapter Development (IOLS:COCD)
COCD-102 - Understanding Technology & Social Media DISTINCTION 01/26/2023
COCD-101 - Recruiting & Retention 101 HONORS 01/26/2023

IOLS - Flag Officers School (IOLS-FOS)
FOS 101 - Introduction to FOS HONORS 01/26/2023
FOS 201 - Chapter Dynamics DISTINCTION 01/30/2023
FOS 202 - Region Dynamics HONORS 01/30/2023

OTS - Recertification HONORS 01/27/2023
OCC - Recertification HONORS 01/31/2023

IOSTS - College of Starship Operations (IOMS:COSO)
CSO-106 - Extreme Measures DISTINCTION 01/26/2023 CSO-107 - Bridge Operations HONORS 01/26/2023

Stephen Richard
IOLS - STARFLEET Officers Leadership College (IOLS:SOLC) IOLS:

SOLC-104 - Chief of Communications Exam HONORS 01/31/2023

IOMOS - CSOR - College of SpecOps Resources
EQPT 109a - Animals in a Disaster, Part 1 DISTINCTION 01/15/2023
EQPT 109b - Animals in a Disaster, Part 2 DISTINCTION 01/15/2023

IOMOS - CSOS - College of SpecOps Specialties
OPS 123 - Obstacle Operations 1 DISTINCTION 01/09/2023 OPS 124 - Obstacle Operations 2 DISTINCTION 01/09/2023 OPS 118 - Fundamentals in Low Intensity Conflict HONORS 01/10/2023
OPS 126 - Search and Rescue DISTINCTION 01/10/2023 OPS 125 - Convoy Operations DISTINCTION 01/13/2023

IOMOS - CSOT - College of SpecOps Training
SEAR 103 - Navigation & Movement DISTINCTION 01/10/2023
SEAR 104 - Communications & Retrieval HONORS 01/10/2023 SEAR 105 - Resistance Code of Conduct DISTINCTION 01/10/2023
SEAR 106 - Resistance to Captivity HONORS 01/10/2023 CSOT 104a - Dangerous Plants, Part 1 DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
TRA 102a - Man-Made Features Pt 1 HONORS 01/11/2023 TRA 104 - Transportation Identification HONORS 01/11/2023 TRA 105 - Landing Zones DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
TRA 102c - Man-Made Features Pt 3 PASS 01/11/2023
TRA 102b - Man-Made Features Pt 2 DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
CSOT 102b - Advanced Survival Training: Food Procurement Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
CSOT 102c - Advanced Survival Training: Food Procurement, Part 2 HONORS 01/11/2023
CSOT 102d - Advanced Survival Training: Dangerous Animals, Insects & Arachnids HONORS 01/11/2023
CSOT 102e - Advanced Survival Training: Poisonous Plants DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
CSOT 105a - Usable Plants, Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 01/13/2023 CSOT 106a - Poisonous Snakes and Lizards, Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 01/13/2023
CSOT 104b - Dangerous Plants, Part 2 DISTINCTION 01/13/2023
CSOT 105b - Usable Plants, Pt. 2 DISTINCTION 01/13/2023 CSOT 106b - Poisonous Snakes and Lizards, Pt. 2 HONORS 01/13/2023
CSOT 107a - Deadly Mushrooms, Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 01/14/2023
CSOT 107b - Deadly Mushrooms, Pt. 2 HONORS 01/14/2023 CSOT 103a - Adv. Psychology of Survival, Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 01/15/2023
CSOT 103b - Adv. Psychology of Survival, Pt. 2 HONORS 01/15/2023

IPSS - College of Survival Studies (IOPFR:COSS)
PTS 104a - Preparing for the Aftermath of a Disaster - Gear DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
PTS 104B - Preparing for the Aftermath of a Disaster - Water DISTINCTION 01/11/2023
PTS 104C - Preparing for the Aftermath of a Disaster -Food, Sanitation, Shelter HONORS 01/11/2023
ASV 101A - Advanced Fire Starting Pt 1 HONORS 01/13/2023 ASV 101B - Advanced Fire Starting Pt 2 DISTINCTION 01/13/2023
ASV 106B - Emergency Snow Shelters HONORS 01/13/2023 ASV 106A - Emergency Shelters HONORS 01/13/2023
ASV 107 - Equipment From Scratch DISTINCTION 01/13/2023
ASV 109 - Ropes and Knots DISTINCTION 01/14/2023
ASV 113 - Survival Signaling DISTINCTION 01/14/2023
PTS 105a - Surviving Worst Case Scenarios HONORS 01/15/2023
PTS 105B - Surviving Worst Case Scenarios 2 DISTINCTION 01/15/2023
PTS 107 - Surviving a Sinking Car HONORS 01/17/2023
PTS 106 - Surviving a Terrorist Attack HONORS 01/17/2023 PTS 111a - Surviving a Nuclear Disaster part 1 DISTINCTION 01/17/2023
PTS 111c - Surviving a Nuclear Disaster part 3 HONORS 01/17/2023
PTS 111b - Surviving a Nuclear Disaster part 2 DISTINCTION 01/17/2023

Jonathan Nelson

 IOAE - College of Communications
COM 101 - Interspecies Interaction HONORS 01/14/2023 Andy Clifton

IOAE - College of Action and Drama
JWM 114 - The Green Berets HONORS 01/02/2023
JWW 101 - Stagecoach DISTINCTION 01/22/2023

IOIE - College of Intel in Movies (CIM)
CIM-116 - Firefox HONORS 01/20/2023
CIM-159 - Red DISTINCTION 01/20/2023
CIM-160 - Red 2 DISTINCTION 01/20/2023

IOMOS - COAA - School of Arms
WPN 101 - Small Arms Identification Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 01/12/2023
SCC: 85177 Michael Barber 3958245 PROMOTED TO Crewman on 01/31/2023

SCC: 85178 Kara Barber PROMOTED TO Crewman on 01/31/2023
01/01/2023 VRR for final commission emailed to our support ship as of 12/30/2022. Final Date will be 4/4/2023

01/02/2023 Newsletters for January are now active on the website for both general ship and Eng/Comms Departments. Also submitted to the R1 Newsletter exchange.

01/02/2023 created a archive page for the CQ whenever we are listed in one it will be stored on our site.

01/02/2023 CO was awarded a R1 DSA for her service. XO was also awarded a R1 DSA for all of his help on getting the ship up and running. XO also received the R1 Phoenix award for having faced a life or death illness in the past year and is just now getting back to being fully healthy.

1/9/2023 emailed our Mission report for our large charity to the CQ for Q1 2023

1/13/2023 Second member decided to join SFSO, so we created a full ops unit.

1/13/2023 Received thank you letter from Putnam Aging Program for our support of their senior pet help program.

1/16/2023 CO Flt Capt. Mary Francen given Order of Cronos award for over 30 years of service to fleet

1/16/2023 CMO Flt Capt. David Singleton given Legion of Merit award for over 20 years of service to fleet

1/16/2023 XO Cmdr. Stephen Richard given Good Conduct Award for 15 years of Excellent membership in a Region and SFI

1/16/2023 Attended the R1 Space dock General chat was surprised that our support ship CO was able to attend the meeting.

1/22/2023 our first major recruiting event will take place on Feb 11th. We have a table reserved at a Gaming Con in WV called Dual-Con.

1/22/2023 We are still hopeful for a recruiting table at a Showing of ST2 and appearance of William Shatner in Charleston on Feb 8.

1/22/2023 Added SFMC, SFSO, and Pet fleet info to the manual for next update.

1/22/2023 Purchasing final supplies for our recruiting table. This will be a nice thing when its all put together.

1/25/2023 putting together display items, 3 ring binders for display of both newsletters, crew manual, Awards/Certs. All items are now in for the table display. Our first use will be at one or both of the before mentioned recruiting events. I think it will be sharp. backdrop with UFP flag, table with star field, binders with info, tablet playing videos found on YouTube for StarFleet along with opening themes of all ST TV series, a small disco light to attract attention.

1/27/2023 XO attended the BDE1 monthly meeting as the OIC of the MSG assigned to the USS Mountaineer.

1/28/2023 XO attended the R1 Handbook update first team meeting. Was nice to talk to Ruth (Green) Lane former RC for R1 on the committee

01/31/2023 CO Flt Capt. Mary Francen has started taking classes in the Academy including the recert for OTS/OCC and will be working on all 13 Bridge Officer Certification's

01/31/2023 XO Commander Stephen Richard has started working through the Academy Degree Program. Currently finishing up a Doctorate in Command, and a Doctorate in Military.

01/31/2023 Submitted Comms Report to R1 COMMS RDC

01/31/2023 Submitted Engineer Report to R1 Eng RDC
01/14/2023 SFMC Activation is still not completed this was sent in on 12/2/2022 and still have not received notification that the unit has been activated. Several follow ups with the DOIC for Brigade 1 and still no answers. I know there was a Dant change happening but there should not be this long to get the unit activated officially. Just received notice 1/29/2023 that it has now been active from the Forcecom. almost two months between first submit to activation.

1/25/2023 I had emailed the QM about this earlier last year but had not seen anyway updated yet. I am looking for a SFI Flag. But I have not seen any. last update from the QM was that due to legal reasons merch had to be removed. Would love to have one for our recruiting table display.

1-26-2023 I know this is a volunteer organization with members who do this for fun, but it is really sad that things like adding a SFMC unit is still not done after being submitted on 12-2-2022, a SFSO unit change from a IO to sou is still not done after a week, a SFMC AeroSpace Callsign request was submitted in December, its still not completed. These things should not really take that long to get done and added. In a few days I will have to submit my first SFMC MSR, still not active. the same with the SFSO unit. when things like this get over looked or not handled it makes the whole experience a little less enjoyable. It also is a major loss for new ships or units to not be properly activated.

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