Monthly Status Reports (MSR) For August 2023 |
Fleet Members: |
44442 FCAPT David Singleton 08/31/2024
53869 FCAPT Mary Francen 08/27/2024
62955 CMDR Stephen Richard 08/20/2024
84987 ENS Shyann Converse 08/31/2024 85012 CRMN Shanta Ramlakhan
85177 CRMN Michael Barber 10/24/2023
85178 CRMN Kara Barber 10/24/2023
85179 CDT George Barber 10/24/2023 85294 MCPT Andy Clifton
11/14/2023 85742 CRMN Annie Bakaleinikoff 03/20/2024 51212
LCDR Tommy Matty 05/28/2024 |
Academy: |
Stephen `Templar Knight` Richard :
IOAS - School of XenoZoology
FXZ101 -
Animals & Insects in ST: Enterprise 08/23/2023
DISTINCTION FXZ102 - Animals & Insects
in ST: The Original Series 08/23/2023
DISTINCTION FXZ103 - Animals & Insects
in ST: The Next Generation 08/23/2023
HONORS FXZ104 - Animals & Insects in
ST: Deep Space Nine 08/24/2023
HONORS FXZ105 - Animals & Insects in
ST: Voyager 08/24/2023 HONORS
FXZ106 - Animals & Insects in ST: Movies 08/24/2023
HONORS FXZ107 - Tribble Expert
08/24/2023 HONORS
School of Espionage(SOE) SOE 111 Spies
Everywhere 08/08/2023 DISTINCTION
IOIE - School of Intel Gathering (SIG)
SIG 307 Intel Commandments 08/08/2023
HONORS SIG 101 - Who Does it?
08/09/2023 DISTINCTION
SIG 102 - Intelligence Gathering Methods and Means
08/09/2023 DISTINCTION
SIG 103 - Intelligence Gathering Methods and Means Pt. 2
08/09/2023 HONORS
CSOR - School of SpecOps Defense
106a - Sniper Skills, Part 1 08/08/2023
DISTINCTION SNIP 107 - Sniper Tactical
Usage 08/08/2023 HONORS
SNIP 105b - Movement & Concealment, Part 2 08/08/2023
DISTINCTION SNIP 106b - Sniper Skills,
Part 2 08/08/2023 HONORS
IOMOS - CSOT - School of SpecOps Flight
FSH 107a - Emergencies Pt. 1a 08/13/2023
DISTINCTION FSH 108a - Emergencies Pt.
2a 08/13/2023 HONORS
FSH 108b - Emergencies Pt. 2b 08/13/2023
DISTINCTION FSH 107b - Emergencies Pt.
1b 08/13/2023 HONORS
FSH 106b - Flight Maneuvers Pt. 3b 08/13/2023
HONORS FSH 109a - Instrument Flight
Pt. 1a 08/17/2023 DISTINCTION
FSH 110a - Instrument Flight Pt. 2a 08/17/2023
HONORS FSH 109b - Instrument Flight
Pt. 1b 08/17/2023 HONORS
FSH 110b - Instrument Flight Pt. 2b 08/17/2023
IOSS - College of Rocketry and
Propulsion SOPr 106b Rocket Engines
part 2 08/21/2023 DISTINCTION
SOPr 107 Launch Assist mechanisms 08/21/2023
Hypothetical methods 08/21/2023
HONORS SOPr 109a Propulsion in
Fiction part 1 08/21/2023
DISTINCTION SOPr 109b Propulsion
in Fiction part 2 08/21/2023
IOTK - College of Aerodynamics
AERO 116 Helicopter Aerodynamics part 6
08/13/2023 DISTINCTION
- College of VIP Protection
SVP 105 -
Surveillance 08/12/2023 HONORS
SVP 107 - Social Interaction 08/12/2023
HONORS SVP 108 - Hostage Survival
08/12/2023 HONORS
SVP 109 - Movement 08/12/2023 HONORS
SVP 106 - Ambushes & Counter Measures 08/12/2023
HONORS SVP 208 - Advanced Hostage
Negotiations 08/17/2023 DISTINCTION
Officer Development (OD)
OD221 - G-2 (S-2) Military Intelligence Officer Course
08/21/2023 PASS
Support (SU)
SU110 - Basic MOS Familiarization Course 08/20/2023
PASS SU111 - Advanced MOS
Familiarization Course 08/21/2023
PASS SU201 - Support Advanced Course
08/22/2023 PASS
SU250 - Military Intelligence Command Course
08/22/2023 PASS
Promotions: |
Events/Actives: |
XO attended the 2023 VIC, served as Mod in Gather town, took part in
the SFMC Muster, SFSO Q&A, and other activities
4 Renewals for
CO/XO/CMO and another crew member processed.
SFSO report filed
Comments: |
We were extremely disappointed and frustrated that our crew member
Capt. Keith Richard was left off the Fleet Memorial list on the VIC.
After it was confirmed, it was on the list. Told was due to some, "file
issues" by Sean D. The XO commented on the live chat about this. To
date. not even one message to say sorry from upper staff.
Has any
more thought been given to uniform devices/ribbons for the BOCP classes?
Order of Tarbolde? Order Cochrane? Boothby? The Decorates?