Crew Profile Stephen Richard |
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Sir Stephen Richard Age: Actual age: 175 Race: Human Rank: Captain |
Exec Officer USS Mountaineer |
SFSO TL | |||||
SFSO Group 1 Commander | |||||
Engineering Chief USS Mountaineer |
Communcations Chief USS Mountaineer |
SFMC OIC Reserves | |||||
Assistant Director SFA College of Intelligence Operations
Training | Doctorate of Special Operations Studies | ||||
Doctorate of Intelligence Operations Studies | |||||
Bridge Officer-CO | |||||
Bridge Officer-XO | |||||
Bridge Officer-SO | |||||
Bridge Officer-Comms | |||||
Bridge Officer-Engineering | |||||
Bridge Officer-Medical | |||||
Bridge Officer-Operations | |||||
Bridge Officer-Science | |||||
Bridge Officer-Security | |||||
Bridge Officer-Tatical | |||||
Bridge Officer-Weapons | |||||
Bridge Officer-Counselor | |||||
Bridge Officer-Flight Controls | |||||
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Commander Richard is an Earth born native having left
the Earth upon reaching the age of maturity, he traveled among the
stars. In Earth years he is 50 years old, however in physically age he
is much older.
This is due to circumstances related to what is called
“The Burn” While serving upon a freighter he was outside in a
maintenance pod when his ship was destroyed through The Burn. As such
due to the chain
of events was thought to have been killed when his
previous ship was destroyed.
It was later discovered that because of certain
circumstances he was exposed to a freeze in his life support,
and this
put him into a form of stasis. Based upon his own recorders, he was
working in the pod on a cryogenics
plant problem in the cooling systems
board the ship. This is most likely what lead to the freezing of his
life support systems. His data recorders did catch the last few seconds
of his ship before it was destroyed but no data was available at the
time to suggest what had happened.
He was found by a ship however because of The Burn he
remained in statis for what would appear to be 125 years.
After recovering from the long-term effects of such an
extended hibernation he re-enlisted in StarFleet. At the time of said
events he held the rank of Ensign. Upon his reinstatement into StarFleet
he worked tireless to catch up with the 125 years of history and
technology advancements that happened.
He moved quickly through the ranks even without the
backing of The academy. He was found to be useful in working
within the
Fleet as an Engineer, because of his knowledge of older systems he was
able to take items found as salvage
from before The Burn and work to
adapt them to help StarFleet in its continuing mission.
He served as a communications engineer, where he met
and made friends with the Chief of Communications who also served as the
ships XO.
Upon the reopening of the Academy in the events after
the solving of The burn and reinduction of dilithium. He quickly
completed his education and because of his many accomplishments was
granted the full rank of Commander.
Having direct traceable roots to that of the Free
masons and the Templar Knights, Commander Richard wears the family
and dagger which is traceable through what records remain to the actual
time of the Templar Knights and based upon the metallurgy scans, the
sword and dagger comes from old earth times. While it is not fully known
the direct age of them
there is credible evidence that points to at
various points in its history both were reforged and reinforced with
newer metals using more current
techniques and technology.
He therefor considers himself a Knight and has the
title of Sir, while this title has no power in the current times, he has
been able to justify the title because of the traceable roots.
Based upon the old earth mythology he has stated his
spirit guide is that of a wolf. This comes about in his sense of
belonging to a pack and his steadfast loyalty to that pack. This makes
him very protective of his pack and as such he will defend them to his
A wolf as found in the old Earth records have a sense
of loyalty, family and friendship, teamwork, protection, wildness,
freedom, instincts, playfulness, and other noble traits.
These trait puts him in a high standing among his crew
that he will be there for them when they need it. His belief in never leaving someone behind and always coming to the aid is well noted. He currently serves as the XO of the USS Mountaineer a Crossfield ship based upon the USS Discovery. The first of the line in the 32nd Century to hold the spore drive as was developed. It is the third official ship to have this new and faster than line drive.
To knowledge there were only four previous ships of this class built.
This move come because the former XO and Communications
Chief of the ship he served upon was made the Commanding officer of the
USS Mountaineer.
The drive was previously in use in the USS Discovery
NCC-1031, and the refit NCC-1031A, the other ship to have this
drive was
the sister ship called the Glenn, due to the restrictions placed upon
the knowledge of the existence of the USS
Discovery due to the emergence
of the spear data knowledge of this is limited in any new records to
what was disclosed
by the Discovery’s original crew.
Commander Richard has a high moral belief and follows
the ways of what was known as the old code. The old code was a knight’s
belief in how one should conduct themselves.
The old code states: "Inside the table's circle, Under the sacred sword. A knight must vow to
follow The code that is unending, Unending as the table— A ring by honor
bound. A knight is sworn to valor, His heart knows only virtue, His blade
defends the helpless, His might upholds the weak, His word speaks only
truth, His wrath undoes the wicked.
More than bravado or bluster, a knight must have the courage of the
heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious, or
unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.
He will sometimes be slower to react when hard actions
are needed because he will judge each circumstance based upon his
of morality and justice. His belief in hope will sometimes lead him into
a situation where he must fight his way out of a
situation courageously.
When his sense of justice and fairness comes in direct
confliction with a situation he will sometimes react first before he has
fully understood the situation. As such he is often thought to be brash,
but this is not the case. He has already determined the outcomes
to be
just. Even if this is not seen at the time. By the time all views are
examined his view is often found to be in line with the full virtues of
StarFleet and the Federation. He is extremely intelligent and understands many forms of technology, has an extremely high aptitude for computer systems.
is very fluent when he speaks and can form messages that not only put
someone at ease but will convey the message clearly and precisely.
He is a particularly good communicator.
He has an ability to listen to someone and judge their
intent before it is even visible to others.
In other matters, he is extraordinarily talented in
mythology and lore of old Earth cultures. His ability to stand firm and fight for what he believes is unmatched in several fields. |
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